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Want to partner with your growing-up teenagers for a better relationship and greater life-long success?

Facing difficulties and managing your teenagers? Feeing frustrated and exhausted? Are you concerned for their future?

Remember those time before they were born, when many of us brought books, attended courses or asked more experienced parents to learn about parenting? Why not do it NOW? Here is a parenting workshop that introduces how coaching skill can help you transform your parenting challenges into joys and how together, you can help your teens discover their potential for a successful life.

The teenage years have been referred to as the age of raging hormonal imbalance. This is not an easy time for parents, but it is probably harder for the teenagers. They are torn between insecurity and the need for acceptance by peers. They are uncertain about what they want and may seem to drift away from parents. Despite this difficult relationship, teenagers need their parents to show love and acceptance to them, and to guide them more than ever.

More than anything else, parents also want to help their teenagers grow into healthy, happy adults. However, most parents have failed to understand they need to change their approach when working with teenagers. Parents continue to use discredited discipline techniques even though they can see that they are not effective. There is no improvement and it hurts the relationship.

TIME for a Positive Change!

The team of associates. Isolated on white.

Change the way you relate with your teenagers and bring out the best in them.

How can a coaching approach help you to relate better with your teenagers? Coaching is a term mostly applied to sports. It is about athletes performing their best with the assistance of a coach who will challenge, stimulate and guide them to keep growing. In many ways, developing a coaching relationship with your teenager is parallel to sport coaching.

Our approach is to foster a collaborative partnership that will enable parents to help their teenagers discover who they are and what really matters most to them. In the security of a loving and supportive home environment, parents can help their teens discover and realize their potential.

Incorporate coaching skills in your parenting style and experience the differences.


We believe that better parenting skills can be learned but it is not a quick fix magic formula, and certainly not a one-minute-a-day program that promises effortless solutions to the complex challenges of parenting. It is like physical wellness program where there skills should be applied day after day, and year after year. to build strong minds and characters. These skills represent the best positive intervention for parents who have the courage to transform their problematic teenagers to healthy, happy adults.

What you can gain from this 1 Day Workshop?

  • Transform your thinking about parenting: Gain a new identity as a Coaching-Parent and learn to see your teenagers through different eyes
  • Learn how to ask good questions to build strong relationships and help your teenagers think responsibly for themselves
  • Apply a proven parenting-coaching model that will help you create a supportive and loving home environment where your teenagers can thrive.

An African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child” because parents cannot do it alone.


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Today, modern life makes parenting even more challenging: the pressures long working hours, stress, and the ever increasing standard of living causes family breakup to rise to crisis levels. Today, as parents, we need all the help we can get, not for our own sakes but for that of the children. We need to learn how to show love despite frustrations in a way that is accepting and empowering for both parents and teenagers. We want to do this to give them more hope and possibilities for their lives than we had in ours.

Fortunately, parents today can benefit from learning to apply modern studies on behavior to raise their teenagers. Just like how it takes a “village” – different people and ideas – to raise a child or teenager well, this workshop has been specifically designed with proven techniques drawn from the latest development on positive psychology.

This is all with the aim to effect affirmative changes in your relationship with your teenager. The workshop will help you apply these skills in simple, effective and practical ways. By experimenting and practicing with the techniques, you will quickly find yourself becoming an effective parenting-coach.

Email us today at to explore how you can organize this life-transformative workshop.